Simplextrans offers reliable and cost-effective solutions for delivering cargo from Turkey to Kyrgyzstan. We utilize multimodal transportation schemes, combining sea, road, and rail transport to ensure fast and safe delivery of goods. Our services include rail transportation to key stations in Kyrgyzstan, as well as flexible combined transport solutions.

Delivery Options from Turkey to Kyrgyzstan:

  1. Scheme “Sea Container – Rail Car”
    We offer cargo transportation using sea containers. Goods are loaded into containers at the sender’s warehouse in Turkey and delivered to Poti or Batumi ports. Here, they are transferred to rail cars (open or covered wagons) for further delivery to Kyrgyzstan through transit routes.
  2. Scheme “Road Transport – Rail Car”
    This option involves delivering cargo by road to the ports of Poti or Batumi, where it is transferred to rail cars. The wagons then transit through Georgia, Azerbaijan, using the Aylat – Kuryk ferry, and are further sent via Kazakhstan to destinations in Kyrgyzstan.
  3. Scheme “Sea Vessel – Rail Car”
    For large cargo shipments (from 1,000 tons), we use a scheme where goods are consolidated and shipped by sea to the ports of Georgia or Ukraine. Afterward, the goods are transferred to rail cars for delivery to their destination in Kyrgyzstan.

Main Delivery Stations in Kyrgyzstan:

  • Bishkek
  • Alamudun
  • Osh
  • Rybachye
  • Shopokov

Types of Cargo We Transport:

We handle a wide range of cargo from Turkey to Kyrgyzstan, including:

  • Building materials (paints, varnishes, roofing materials, mixtures, adhesives).
  • Food products (confectionery, beverages, and more).
  • Oversized equipment (construction and wheel machinery).
  • Other goods as per your requirements.

Why Choose Simplextrans:

  • Years of experience on the Turkey – Central Asia routes.
  • Optimal rates through the use of multimodal schemes.
  • Reliability and transparency at every stage of transportation.
  • Tailored solutions for different types of cargo.

Cost Calculation for Cargo Delivery:

To calculate the cost of delivering cargo, please provide the following details to our e-mail address [email protected] :

  • Cargo name and customs code.
  • Loading location in Turkey.
  • Destination station in Kyrgyzstan.
  • Cargo quantity (weight and volume).
  • Packaging type, dimensions, and weight of each package.